Friday, 27 August 2010

How much insulation?!

Insulation is laid down on the finished concrete floor in two layers of 150mm and 75mm. This is 25mm more than specified to take into account differences in floor level.
Tongue and grooved chipboard, 18mm, is laid on top of insulation with glued joints. This was then covered with 4mm ply for protection of surface for the duration of the remaining construction phase.
Ground floor to first floor staircase installed with relative ease, incorporating three kite winders at the top of the flight.
Staircase from first floor to second floor pod, issue has arisen in that in the original arrangement of the staircase opening in the pod floor and calculated rise means that there is not enough head clearance available.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Up to our knees in it!

Adjustments are made to the cold water main repositioning the stop tap to the new kitchen sink position.
Concrete poured in, using shoot from front door. The mix is a special fine mix , easy flowing ‘Agilia’ from Lafarge, which has been used by EMHA on other refurbishments of a similar type.
Very little tamping required and it is almost self levelling.
The surface is sprayed with a barrier help curing, it will good to walk on the next day.
The new cold water main floated in the concrete and had to be held down with bricks, which can be removed once concrete has set.
Advised by concrete supplier that at least 7 days are required before concrete is covered over with insulation.

Friday, 13 August 2010

A Hard Graft

New drainage installed to incorporate soil stack and kitchen gulley internally to minimise openings through the fabric of property.
Roof covering work commences using fibre cement slates. These are identical to the neighbouring properties.
Prior to this some roof make up work needs to completed in order to marry in and continue the roof line at eaves level on the front elevation.
Furthermore two new valleys had to be built up from the pod deck into the existing back addition roof.
The completed roof...
Ground floor preparation is completed in readiness for concrete pour next week.
Existing levels are reduced by 300mm, to incorporate a 100mm concrete slab, topped with 200mm of insulation.
Following taking levels it appears that the front and rear door threshold are considerably different. Care will need to be taken with the concrete level - it can't be too thin at the higher point. The difference in level will be adjusted with the insulation.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Fun Over - Back to work

Ground floor chimney breast removal begins. They are non-structural in that the first floor does not directly line above the ground floor's. Removal is straight forward although care is needed to not disturb the passageway wall too much as it is only on half a brick thickness.
Chimney removal reveals the flues are formed and continue in the two respective arches at high level over the passage way. Some additional lintels are incorporated to take spliced floor joists where trimmed for the staircase opening.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

The BIG Day has Arrived

Decided to put cones down at road junction turning point first thing in the morning to help our cause. Surprisingly the weather has held out all week.

The local residents have taken notice of the letters and the pathis clear for the low loader.

The load just squeezes past some double parked cars with 100mm to spare either side!

The house is completely opened up in preparation.

The pod is prepared with rear brackets bolted to it's structure whilst the front stirrup brackets are resin bolted to the front pad stones.

The first lift attempt is not successful.

The lifting team fail to take advice from the pod manufacturer to not lower straight down. Tight tolerances and corbled chimney stacks on both sides make it impossible.

The crane is repositioned and this time the pod is slewed into position 'inch by inch'.

The pod is manufactured to allow no more than 75mm clearance either side. An old aerial bracket causes a glitch but is soon removed. Also, the scaffold has been erected for standard roof work. The poles are too high, interfering with lowering into position. The pole tops are chopped off with an angle grinder.

Finally the pod sits on to the pad stones with amazing accuracy.

The timber covering of the pod roof lines up perfectly with the neighbouring properties.
A level is put to the underside of the pod steel structure - WOW, ZERO BUBBLE!!!

The stirrup brackets are resin bolted and all others tightened as required.

The pod manufacturer, Enviro Homes, must be commended in achieving a near perfect fit and plumb level.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The Day Before

Preparation for pod install.

Slate roof covering is stripped and most of the structure is removed except for timber purlins and binders.

Pad stone positions are checked against drawings and set in place.

There is some concern as existing wall plate levels indicate a 40mm difference on front elevation.

Concrete pad stones set on rapid hardening mortar. In the end the rear pad stones are substituted with a full length concrete lintel due to the two openings for rear bedroom and door way to bath room.

Pod being loaded.

Monday, 2 August 2010

The BIG Week

The roof pod will be delivered and installed, hopefully, on Thursday.

Weather forecast looks good for the week but this is summer time?!

Still some concern with access down the local side streets for the low loader. We have decided to letter drop from EMHA to individual properties along the route. Will drop them tomorrow and again Wednesday evening.

Finishing the pod off last week.